
Gadget girl and Prison Break...

I love trying out new gadgets. Some end up being useless. Others make me glad I tried them! Today's "Show and Tell" include a knitting thimble, Norwegian knitting thimble and a stitch holder for circular knitting...Cool, huh? The two thimbles are for keeping two color knitting yarns separate as they're knitted. The Norwegian thimble is the one made of metal. It might not be as cumbersome (don't want that vocab going to waste).

My socks for project spectrum are progressing. I'm working on the heel. More pics to come. This is a short post tonight because I'm hooked on the series, "Prison Break". There's more suspense in this series than is legal! Just when I think I've figured it out...Damn! Always a plot twist! Anyway gotta grab my needles and go!

Get knitting!


Emma said...

Have fun knitting! We're having storms here, so no programming tonight. My husband is seirously upset about 24 being pre-empted!

Chris said...

Mmmm... knitting gizmos...

HibiscuitsGirl said...

Oo, let me know how the thimbles work out. They're neat looking.