Well, my just finished socks are just a bit "off". First of all, I used a pattern from the Plymouth company that was supposed to be a a simple top down sock with short-row heels. I've knit several pairs of socks and thought this would be a breeze (all my other socks had stitch patterns). These socks had a little bit of ribbing and then it was just knit until I got the length I wanted for the sized needed to fit. The pattern wasn't well written and a beginner would've sworn off socks after knitting these. Now, despite how the pattern was written, I should have been paying more attention to setting up the sock for the toe portion. Instead, I blindly followed what I thought was the right place to start the decreases. Having knitted for a bit, I should be able to look at a pattern and modify as needed or least know how to set up a toe. I had already kitchnered (real term?) the toe and was admiring my work, when...damn! My se
It also counts as a project spectrum color FO for February/march!
I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks. It's amazing how time flies! When I last blogged, I was moaning and groaning about my knee. First of all thanks to everyone who wished me well ! I didn't get to e-mail everyone back. So, here's the scoop: An X-ray was taken and the only thing it showed was a little degeneration and free floating debris. Not enough to cause the pain I was having. I finally got to see the orthopedic Doctor this week. He thinks I tore the meniscus (cartilage). So, I'm having an MRI on Monday and then have a follow-up appointment a few days later. So, I'll keep you updated. It is definitely feeling a lot better than when I last posted. The only time the pain worsens is when the knee gives out on occasion. That's the part the Dr.'s not happy about. However, I'm feeling much better now, I'm also a knitting maniac again!
It's 11:19pm , but I had to post and now...Good night and dream well!